Throughout November and December 2023 we have a textiles exhibition by Catherine Glennie.
14th - 27th June
Highland Migrant and Refugee Advocacy (HiMRA) have worked with Eden Court Theatre Engagement team and the local community to create this exhibition.
We invited people living in the Highlands to share their 'Story of Movement' with an aim to encourage the wider community to think in new ways about migration. This exhibition offers people an opportunity to reflect on the many and varied ways in which movement occurs and that, fundamentally, everyone has a story
of movement.
HiMRA was created to address loneliness and isolation of people identifying as migrants and refugees living the the Highlands. With the support of volunteers and local services we provide weekly drop ins, signposting and events to create opportunities for building community, social engagement and friendships.
RURAL CATALOGUE \\ an exhibition by jig.collective
20th - 23rd February 2019
Macphail Centre
'Unspoken Truths'
A collection of original artworks by Jane McDonough
29th September - 1st November 2018
Open Monday to Friday 9AM - 4PM
These paintings were produced whilst on an unexpectedly long rehabilitation period following pelvis surgery at Woodend Hospital, Aberdeen, in May 2015.
The works are very personal and tackle chronic pain, invisible health conditions, emotional pain, mental health issues, long term illness and also counselling, mindfulness and acceptance of my situation.
I have put onto canvas what I would never say out loud to anyone about my thoughts, fears and emotions. The exhibition is thought provoking and insightful. I have had very positive feedback and interesting conversations from people making emotional connections to my paintings.
Please note exhibition extended until 27th April
5th February to 24th February 2018
Creative Writing Exhibition
Written pieces produced by students of Stephen Keeler during a nine week evening writing course held September to November 2017.